Every now and then the urge to just leave everything behind and go out of your home comes by. It really doesn’t matter whether the outing is for the day or a week to enjoy the countryside hiking or mountain climbing, or whether it is a long trek overseas. Whatever the reason, fulfilling the urge will mean that you will be leaving your home turf. You definitely don’t want you place to be an easy target for burglars especially if even your neighbours will be absent, so you need to secure your property prior your departure. But what should you do?

Addressing the security issue

You can make sure that a few things are in place before your leave your house:

  • The street number is the first thing police, fire and ambulance will look for when an emergency happens. Ensure that it is clearly displayed and visible for them to see it.
  • Make sure that your fences and gates can effectively prevent unwanted intrusion. The most effective deterrents against burglars is strong steel fencing or concrete fencing.
  • Clear visibility of your house and surroundings can effectively dampen the enthusiasm of burglars in knowing that any approach to you home may likely be spotted by others. Cut any excess foliage around you house and grounds.
  • Empty out your mailboxes before leaving you house. The mailbox acts like a magnet to thieves and valuable information left in it may well become their property.
  • Unsecured windows are weak entry points that burglars find as favourite targets. To make sure that your windows are burglar proof, install locks on all your windows that can be opened only by a key.
  • If by chance thieves do find their way in and take away some of your belongings, the only way to retrieve them is by having their serial numbers recorded. Make sure that you record the serial numbers for your items.
  • Make sure that you never forget to lock you doors and windows the moment you exit your home, even if your absence will only be for short period.
  • Deception is a form of protection that you can use to secure you home. For instance, when you go out to a restaurant for dinner, leave the lights, radio and/or television on to give the impression that someone is still in the house.
  •  A serious mistake that homeowners often make is to leave a key outside the house. Make no mistake. A seasoned burglar already knows all the likely places where a key may be hidden so refrain from committing this mistake.
  • Always ensure that all other access points into the house are securely locked anytime you are viewing the television or doing gardening outside.
  • Having all sorts of valuables in your house is one very good reason why you should invest in a safe. Otherwise, you should install a fully integrated CCTV system to protect your valuables.
  • Be warned that the favourite entry point burglars target most during their robberies is the garage, the bedroom and the kitchen.
  • Keep in mind that the most common entry point got a burglary is the garage, followed by the bedroom and kitchen and secure your home appropriately.